Let’s Share The Light
My mom lit the very “first” SoHum candle. To her, igniting that flame was declaring an intention. To guide someone through turmoil. To express gratefulness. To inspire my own search for inner peace.
That’s where I discovered the hindu mantra “sohum.” “Soooo,” the sound of inhalation. “Hummm,” the sound of exhalation. Together, “I am that”: a oneness, a universal nourishing. This is my design for SoHum.
When you light your candle, SoHum illuminates your intention — be it a room to smell good, to a life to be more enriched. Together, let’s brighten your awareness that you are safe, you are supported, you are loved.
A SoHum Guide

Step One
Burn Your Candle
Light your freshly trimmed wick and take a deep breath. While taking in the scent, set an intention. You'll be reminded of your intention each time you catch the scent.

Step Two
Plant Your Intention
When your candle has had its last glow, plant your intention and watch it grow. Clean your jar by placing it the freezer overnight. Pop the wax out and give it a soapy rinse. Add stones to the bottom, then potting soil and bury the seed paper inside.

Step Three
Watch It Grow
Give your seeds some love by occasionally adding water to your jar. Watch the seeds of your intentions grow in just 14-21 days!